Flexible Theatre Space
At the heart of our plans to re-imagine of the WTCC is the conversion of the Grand Ballroom into a multi-purpose flexible theatre space that can house live music, theatre and dance performances.
Halifax is missing a medium-sized performance hall in its downtown core. As a result, we're unable to attract a number of musicians and bands to our city that require a certain seating capacity to make their visits financially viable. And in turn, we lack a key piece of infrastructure to nurture our own artists and enhance their profiles.
The Flexible Theatre Space will be able to accommodate up to 1100 concert goers. And with retractable walls and other dividers, it will be possible to create more intimate spaces, particularly for theatre and dance performances.
Media Production Facilities
The media production centre will feature a 5,000 sq ft studio with green screens, motion capture technology, in-house recording equipment and other components that will make it highly versatile and useful for content creation in a variety of mediums, including film, television, and virtual reality. Support space will include production offices, hair/make-up and wardrobe rooms, edit suites and other facilities.
Dance Studios
The dance community has struggled to find adequate space for decades. The time has come to give our dancers an inspiring location from which to create and present new work.
LiGHT HOUSE LiNK (formerly Creative Entrepreneurs Centre)
John Cleese once said that “creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating.”
LiGHT HOUSE LiNK will feature a curated collection of cultural non-profit organizations with a long history of artistic innovation as well as training and nurturing our best creative talent. Mixed with these dynamic organizations will be for-profit start-ups in the sector. These companies will be given a competitive boost by sharing administrative resources, mentorship as well as board rooms, meeting rooms, hot desks, etc.
LiGHT HOUSE LiNK will also host programming and training opportunities for companies and individuals, permitting the development of world-class training in design thinking. LiGHT HOUSE LiNK will make a major contribution to Halifax’s emerging Innovation District by injecting a sense of play and possibility into people’s lives, enhancing the potential for breakthroughs in all fields.